As I am interested in number magic since my earliest youth, I take the liberty to briefly point out the date of the launch of this homepage: it was the 02.11.2022. From a numerological point of view, the sum of this day results in the number 10 (0+2+1+2+0+2+2). Generally the 10th card of the tarot is called "Wheel of Fortune", which -in my opinion- is not necessarily an appropriate designation.

Generally, I think, many "things" are considered as true, as original and as definite, although this is not so. Let's go -historically seen- back into the past. Far back. Up to Adam and Eve ... and the two sons, Cain and Abel from whom mankind descends in all seriousness. What a joke! Where do you think the wives of these two brothers came from?

Enough of this ;-)

Similar hocus-pocus happened and happens to the tarot. Logically. Manipulation takes place on all levels; not only in business but -perhaps above all- in spirituality.

At this point I would like to present an interpretation of the 10th card which fascinated me personally very much. I found it in the following work: DIE EINWEIHUNG IM ALTEN ÄGYPTEN - NACH DEM BUCH THOTH (THE INITIATION IN ANCIENT EGYPT - ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF THOTH), described by Woldemar von Uxkull.

In this work the author describes the initiation of a young man into the ancient Egyptian mysteries in a narrative form, so that the reader experiences the course of events. His work, published in 1922, 100 years ago, is partly the fruit of studies of works of occultists and mystics, partly the result of the empathy of his imagination with this subject.

The "initiation" consists of three parts.

The first part is called "The Trials". In it the neophyte has to pass the trials by which he gives proof that he has courage and self-control and is worthy to experience initiation.

The second part of the work is called "The Teaching". This takes place in the great temple hall, where 22 murals, the so-called Book of Thoth, represent the stages of the lesson. In it, the relationships of the individual images (Tarot cards) are described in detail, and this in a way that I have not found in any other books about the Tarot. These relationships, in turn, are grounded in the so-called "occult mathematics", which is explained in the work in simple examples. In the course of ten days, the High Priest explains one image to each of the young men, and at the end teaches him to pronounce the word that summons the guide, the guardian spirit, and makes him appear.

In the third part of the work, in the course of twelve nights, the spirit of the youth is led by his guide through the various regions of the invisible world, while his body, disembodied but not inanimate, rests behind the altar under the mantle of the High Priest. Each morning, however, the High Priest explains to the youth one of the twelve last images of the Book of Thoth, in order to pronounce, on the last day, the solemn blessing on the newly initiated, which recounts in brief form the main teachings contained in the whole book. The book begins with the following words:

It was many thousands of years ago, in Egypt. The pyramids had not yet been built; the sphinxes and obelisks were not yet standing. Only the palm trees towered proudly in the sunlit air. At that time the divine dynasty ruled in Memphis and cultivated wisdom treasures coming from higher worlds.

From the West, from very, very far away, the radiant ones had come. Wisdom and knowledge, art and skill they had brought with them ... and saved all this. For, thanks to their clairvoyant gifts, they had discovered that their homeland was being washed away by subterranean waters. They had known that the time was near when the whole continent, together with its magnificent capital, the City of the Golden Gates, shaken by earthquakes, would sink into the lap of mountainous waves. And they had emigrated.

It was back then.

I see a slim, brown youth, dressed only in black and white striped loincloth. He works with some companions in the garden of the holy district. According to his father's wish, he should become a magician and priest; he himself is also drawn to look behind the curtain. The splendid services open to all the people are not enough for him. He wants more. Unconsciously, the desire to worship slumbers in his soul, and he wants to know, to know. Questions arise within him; questions he cannot answer.

The Book of Thoth itself is a historical fact. Sages and mystics of antiquity and the Middle Ages refer to it (Apollonius of Thyana, Raymond of Lulle, etc.), and several contemporary writers also mention it.

I publish here the text on the 10th image, respectively the 10th tarot card, from this "little book" of 170 pages.

I wish you a fascinating reading ;-)

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PS: If the text may seem a bit jerky, it's because the translation from "old German" into English was not so easy for me ;-) But I had a lot of fun translating it. And that's what counts in life: pleasure and joy!